Thicc Drago, very lovely. A wonderful mix of cuteness and sexiness. The breasts, some might say, are too big, disproportionate, and normally I might agree, yet I must say that, if they are to be considered "disproportionate" to her body, that is trumped by the fact that they fit the aesthetic and design of the character, and are drawn in a way that they aren't overly distracting to the character as a whole. Their sheer size makes them, yes, the likely first thing you see, but it's easy to look over the picture and notice the other details of this character without being constantly distracted by her massive melons. They are huge but they don't "pop out" from the picture, which is a good thing because it's easy to focus on other characteristics of this beautiful reptile, such as the sweet alluring expression in the first illustration, or the fact that she's stretching, not posing, in the second one. Her expression in the third suggests she might be flustered and embarrassed by the maid outfit despite the previous outfit she wore in the first illustration.
This is a lovely piece.